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Record Collection by Hilary Pecis

Hilary Pecis

Record Collection, 2024

Acrylic on linen
137.2 x 111.8 x 5.1 cm (54 x 44 x 2 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Sotheby's, New York (28 Feb 2024)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Feb 28, 2024
Sotheby'sNew YorkIovine and Young Center for High School Education Benefit Auction | Hosted by Sotheby's2
$****** - ******
Record Collection
Artwork Description



137.2 x 111.8 x 5.1 cm (54 x 44 x 2 in)


Acrylic on linen


Signed and dated verso


Courtesy of the Artist and David Kordansky Gallery


Hilary Pecis (b. 1979, Fullerton, California) makes paintings and drawings in which tableaus rich with interlocking fields of saturated color, geometric patterning, and bold linework provide views of sun-drenched domestic still lifes and landscape environments. Books crowding a coffee table, the remains of a dinner party, and terrains lush with Southern California succulents make frequent appearances in her work; these meticulously arranged interiors and vibrantly rendered exteriors amount to an overarching portrait of the self that identifies objects and locations as signifiers for human characteristics. Pecis combines distorted perspectives and surprising juxtapositions of hue, placing her work in dialogue with modernist art historical movements like Fauvism in which subjective and analytical tendencies are synthesized. At the same time, her interest in images sourced from her personal experience allows her to transform recognizable mise-en-scènes into vivid explorations that celebrate the quiet moments of everyday life.


Hilary Pecis

b. 1979

Record Collection

Executed in 2024.

Signed and dated verso

Acrylic on linen

54 x 44 x 2 in. (137.16 cm x 111.76 x 5.08 cm)

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Please note there is no buyer"s premium in this auction - all sale proceeds will go directly to the Iovine and Young Foundation to support its programs.

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