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On rit et c’est genial (We Laugh and it’s Great) by Kassou Seydou

Kassou Seydou

On rit et c’est genial (We Laugh and it’s Great), 2018

Acrylic on canvas, triptych
110 x 219 cm (43.31 x 86.22 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Not yet available
Last recorded sale at Christie's, Hong Kong (27 May 2022)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
May 27, 2022
Christie'sHong Kong21st Century Art Day Sale108
$****** - ******
On rit et c’est genial (We Laugh and it’s Great)
Similar Artworks
Artwork Description



110 x 219 cm (43.31 x 86.22 in)


acrylic on canvas, triptych


signed and dated ‘Kassou Seydou 2018' (middle right of the right panel) ; signed with artist's signature, signed ‘Août 2018 On rit et c'est genial Kassou Seydou Artiste plasticien Keur Massar cité SaFco III' (on the reverse)


Galerie Cécile Fakhoury, Abidjan

Acquired from the above by the present owner


Nassau, Mestre Projects, Kassou Seydou - Here Comes the Sun, April - June 2021.



On rit et c'est genial (We Laugh and it's Great)

signed and dated ‘Kassou Seydou 2018' (middle right of the right panel) ; signed with artist's signature, signed ‘Août 2018 On rit et c'est genial Kassou Seydou Artiste plasticien Keur Massar cité SaFco III' (on the reverse)

acrylic on canvas, triptych

overall: 110 x 219 cm. (43 1⁄4 x 86 1⁄4 in.)

left panel: 110 x 79.5 cm. (43 1⁄4 x 31 1⁄4 in.)

middle panel: 110 x 70 cm. (43 1⁄4 x 27 1⁄2 in.)

right panel: 110 x 69.5 cm. (43 1⁄4 x 27 3⁄8 in.)

Painted in 2018