Top-100 artists:

The Jester by Norman Rockwell

Norman Rockwell

The Jester, 1939

Oil on canvas
79.1 x 63.8 cm (31.13 x 25.13 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Sotheby's, New York (22 Nov 2021)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Nov 22, 2021
Sotheby'sNew YorkAmerican Art28
$****** - ******
The Jester
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Artwork Description



79.1 x 63.8 cm (31.13 x 25.13 in)


oil on canvas


Mr. G.A. Goodwin, Stuart, Florida

Eleanor Ettinger, New York, 1979 (acquired from the above)

Estate of the above

Acquired by the present owner from the above


New York, Bernard Danenberg Galleries; Fort Lauderdale, Florida, The Fort Lauderdale Museum of the Arts; Brooklyn, New York, The Brooklyn Museum; Washington, D.C., The Corcoran Gallery of Art; San Antonio, Texas, McNay Art Museum; San Francisco, California, M.H. de Young Memorial Museum; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma Art Center; Indianapolis, Indiana, Indianapolis Museum of Art; Omaha, Nebraska, Joslyn Art Museum; Seattle, Washington, Seattle Art Museum, Norman Rockwell; A Sixty Year Retrospective , February 1972- April 1973, p. 75, illustrated

Osaka, Japan, Hankyu Department Store; New York, Bernard Danenberg Galleries, Norman Rockwell , April-June 1975

Stockbridge, Massachusetts, The Norman Rockwell Museum, 2009-11 (on loan)


The Saturday Evening Post , February 11, 1939, cover illustration

Thomas S. Buechner, Norman Rockwell, Artist & Illustrator , New York, 1970, no. 336, n.p., illustrated

Christopher Flinch, Norman Rockwell: 332 Magazine Covers , New York, 1979, pp. 283, 294

Laurie Norton Moffatt, Norman Rockwell, A Definitive Catalogue , vol. I, Stockbridge, Massachusetts, 1986, no. C373, pp. 140-41, illustrated


Norman Rockwell

1894 - 1978

The Jester

signed Norman Rockwell (lower right)

oil on canvas

canvas: 31 ⅛ by 25 ⅛ inches (79.1 by 63.8 cm)

framed: 37 ¾ by 31 ¾ inches (95.9 by 80.6 cm)

Painted in 1939.