Top-100 artists:

Tinct by Bridget Riley

Bridget Riley

Tinct, 1972

Acrylic on canvas
145 x 141 cm (57.09 x 55.51 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Sotheby's, London (29 Jun 2022)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Jun 29, 2022
Sotheby'sLondonBritish Art: The Jubilee Auction6
$****** - ******
Artwork Description



145 x 141 cm (57.09 x 55.51 in)


acrylic on canvas


signed Riley and dated 72 (on the overturn edge); signed Riley, titled Tinct and dated 1972 (on the verso); signed Riley , titled Tinct and dated 1972 (on the stretcher)


Galerie Beyeler, Basel

The Ratner Family Collection, Chicago

Sotheby's New York, 26 February 1992, lot 198 (consigned by the above)

Acquired from the above by the present owner


Basel, Galerie Beyeler, Bridget Riley , February - March 1975, n.p., no. 8, illustrated in colour

Buffalo, Albright-Knox Art Gallery; Dallas, Dallas Museum of Fine Art; Purchase, Neuberger Museum; Sydney, Centrepoint Gallery Space; Perth, Art Gallery of Western Australia; Tokyo, National Museum of Modern Art, Bridget Riley: Works 1959-78 , September 1978 - March 1980, p. 67, no. 41 (text)


Robert Kudielka et al., Bridget Riley: The Complete Paintings, Volume 1, 1959-1973 , London, 2018, p. 365, no. BR 146, illustrated in colour


Property from a Private Important Collection

Bridget Riley

b. 1931


signed Riley and dated 72 (on the overturn edge); signed Riley, titled Tinct and dated 1972 (on the verso); signed Riley , titled Tinct and dated 1972 (on the stretcher)

acrylic on canvas

145 by 141 cm. 57 by 55½ in.

Executed in 1972.