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Antibes, Vue du Plateau Notre-Dame by Claude Monet

Claude Monet

Antibes, Vue du Plateau Notre-Dame, 1888

Oil on canvas
65.1 x 92.1 cm (25.63 x 36.26 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Sotheby's, London (23 Jun 2014)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Jun 23, 2014
Sotheby'sLondonImpressionist & Modern Art Evening Sale8
$****** - ******
Antibes, Vue du Plateau Notre-Dame
May 1, 1996
Sotheby'sNew YorkImpressionist & Modern Art (Part I)27
$****** - ******
Antibes, Vue du Plateau Notre-Dame
Nov 11, 1987
Sotheby'sNew YorkImpressionist and Modern Paintings and Sculpture (Part 1)6
$****** - ******
Antibes, Vue du Plateau Notre-Dame
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Artwork Description



65.1 x 92.1 cm (25.63 x 36.26 in)


oil on canvas


signed Claude Monet and dated 88 (lower right)


Boussod, Valadon & Cie., Paris (acquired from the artist in June 1888) Victor Desfossés, Paris, (acquired in 1888)

A. Bellino, Paris

The American Art Association, New York (acquired from the above by 1892. Sold: The American Art Association, New York, 25th-30th April 1895, lot 152)

Thomas L. Manson, New York (acquired by 1908)

E. & A. Milch, New York (acquired by 1922)

J. K. Newman, New York (acquired circa 1924. Sold: The American Art Association, New York, 6th December 1935, lot 40)

M. J. Failing (purchased at the above sale)

Mrs Mansfield Ferry, New York

Private Collection, U.S.A. (by descent from the above. Sold: Sotheby’s, New York, 11th November 1987, lot 6)

Private Collection, U.S.A. (sold: Sotheby’s, New York, 1st May 1996, lot 27)

Purchased at the above sale by the late owner


Paris, Boussod, Valadon & Cie., Monet, 1888 New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1908 (on loan); New York, Fearon Galleries, French Painters of the 19th Century, 1924, no. 6; New York, The Brooklyn Museum of Art, Monet and the Mediterranean, 1997-98, no. 60, illustrated in colour in the catalogue


Gustave Geffroy, 'Dix tableaux de Cl. Monet’, in La Justice, 17th June 1888, mentioned p. 1 Gustave Geffroy, La vie artistique 3e série, Histoire de l'Impressionisme, Paris, 1894, vol. II, discussed p. 79; Gustave Geffroy, Claude Monet, sa vie, son temps, son œuvre, Paris, 1922, discussed pp. 278-279; John Rewald, ‘Theo van Gogh, Goupil and the Impressionists’, in Gazette des Beaux-Arts, vol. LXXXI, January 1973, appendix I, mentioned p. 99; Daniel Wildenstein, Claude Monet, Biographie et catalogue raisonné, Lausanne & Paris, 1979, vol. III, no. 1171, illustrated; Daniel Wildenstein, Monet, Catalogue Raisonné, Cologne, 1996, vol. III, no. 1171, illustrated p. 441; Monet i luoghi della pittura (exhibition catalogue), Casa dei Carraresi, Treviso, 2001, illustrated p. 179