Top-100 artists:

Woman in tub by Jeff Koons

Jeff Koons

Woman in tub, 1988

61 x 91.4 x 68.6 cm (24 x 36 x 27 in)
Edition of 3
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Christie's, New York (17 May 2001)

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Past Sales
ImageLast Sale DateTitleEdition No.Last SaleLast Sale Auction HouseLast Sale Location
May 17, 2001Woman in tub1
Christie'sNew York
May 16, 2000Woman in tub3
Christie'sNew York
Similar Artworks
Artwork Description



61 x 91.4 x 68.6 cm (24 x 36 x 27 in)




dated, numbered


Sonnabend Gallery, New York

Leo Castelli Gallery, New York


New York, Sonnabend Gallery, Jeff Koons: Banality, November 1988-January 1989 (another example exhibited)

Pittsburgh, The Carnegie Museum of Art, 1988 Carnegie International, November 1988-January 1989, p. 179 (illustrated; another example exhibited)

Los Angeles, Museum of Contemporay Art, A Forest of Signs: Art in the Crisis of Representation, May-August 1989, no. 30 (another example exhibited)

Philadelphia, Institute of Contemporary Art, 80's: Devil on the Stars, 1991

Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum; Aarhus, Kunstmuseum; and Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie, Jeff Koons, January 1992-April 1993, p. 77 (illustrated; another example exhibited)

New York, Thread Waxing Space, I am the Enunciator, January-February 1993

Louisiana, Contemporary Arts Center, The Prophecy of Pop, November 1997-February 1998

Fort Worth, Modern Art Museum; and Monterrey, Mexico, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, House of Sculpture, May 1999-February 2000

Kunsthaus Zurich and Hamburger Kunsthalle, HYPERMENTAL: Rampant Reality 1950-2000 from Salvador Dali to Jeff Koons, November 2000-May 2001, p. 13 (illustrated; another example exhibited)


S. Morgan, "Big Fun", Artscribe International, no. 74, March-April 1989, p. 46 (illustrated)

R. Morgan, "Jeff Koons", New Art International, June-July 1990, p. 44 (illustrated)

J. Koons and R. Rosenblum, The Jeff Koons Handbook, London 1992, p. 160

A. Muthesius, Jeff Koons, Cologne 1992, pp. 25, 122 and 168, no. 23 (illustrated)

T. Zaunschirm, Kunst Als Südenenfall Die Tabuverletzungen des Jeff Koons, Germany 1996, p. 53 (illustrated)

"Super-banalism and the innocent salesroom: an interview with Jeff Koons", Modern New York Painters, Spring 1998, p. 27 (illustrated)

T. Godfrey, M. Mottahedan and K. Schubert, Once Upon A Time In America: The Mottahedan Collection, London 1999, p. 29 (illustrated)


incised with date and number ''88 1/3' on the underside and incised 'A. Maggioni' on the exterior of the tub. This work is number one from an edition of three plus one artist's proof.