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Étretat - un moulin à vent by Jean Baptiste Camille Corot

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot

Étretat - un moulin à vent, 1855

Oil on panel
38.1 x 58.4 cm (15 x 23 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Christie's, London (12 Jul 2016)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Jul 12, 2016
Christie'sLondon19th Century European & Orientalist Art11
$****** - ******
Étretat - un moulin à vent
Oct 13, 1994
Christie'sNew York19th Century European Paintings, Watercolours, Drawings & Sculptur100
$****** - ******
Étretat - un moulin à vent
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38.1 x 58.4 cm (15 x 23 in)


oil on panel


with Bernheim Jeune et fils, Paris, circa 1865.

with Arnold et Tripp, Paris, circa 1868.

Anonymous sale; Emballeur, Paris, 16 March 1877.

Acquired at the above sale by M. le Comte Doria (for 2.325 francs).

His sale; Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, May 1899, lot 52 (23,500 francs).

with Boussod et Valladon, Paris, 1899.

with Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, 1900.

Ferdinand Blumenthal, Paris, 1901.

Count C. Pecci-Blunt, Paris, 1928.

with Paul Rosenberg, Paris, circa 1937.

Alice Tully, New York.

Her sale; Christie's, New York, 13 October 1994, lot 100.

Acquired at the above by the present owner.


Paris, Galerie Paul Rosenberg, Corot Paysages de France et Figures, Paris, 1930.<br>Philadelphia, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Corot, 1796-1875, 11 May-16 June 1946, no. 30 (on loan by Paul Rosenberg).


A. Robaut, L'Oeuvre de Corot. Catalogue raisonné et illustré, Paris, 1905, vol. 2, pp. 276-277, no. 859 (illustrated).