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AMITYVILLE by Willem de Kooning

Willem de Kooning


Oil on canvas
203.2 x 177.8 cm (80 x 70 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Sotheby's, New York (14 Nov 2018)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Nov 14, 2018
Sotheby'sNew YorkContemporary Art Evening Auction30
$****** - ******
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Artwork Description



203.2 x 177.8 cm (80 x 70 in)


oil on canvas


signed, signed on the reverse


Xavier Fourcade, Inc., New York

Acquired by the present owner from the above in July 1985


San Antonio, The Marion Koogler McNay Institute, Collectors' Gallery VII, November - December 1973

Toronto, Pollock Gallery, De Kooning: Major Paintings and Sculpture, October - November 1974

West Palm Beach, Norton Gallery of Art, De Kooning: Paintings, Drawings, Sculptures, 1967-75, December 1975 - February 1976, p. 9, no. 5, illustrated in color

Edinburgh, Fruit Market Gallery; and London, Serpentine Gallery, The Sculptures of de Kooning with Related Paintings, Drawings and Lithographs, October 1977 - January 1978, n.p., no. 32, illustrated in color 

East Hampton, New York, Guild Hall Museum, Willem de Kooning: Works from 1951-1981, May - July 1981, n.p., no. 27 (text)

Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art; New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art; and London, Tate Gallery, Willem de Kooning: Paintings, May 1994 - May 1995, p. 194, no. 63, illustrated in color

New York, The Pace Gallery, The Figure: Movement and Gesture: Paintings, Sculpture and Drawings, April - July 2011, p. 31, no. 10, illustrated in color and p. 11, no. 3, illustrated

New York, Christie's Private Sales Gallery, "We Had to Destroy it in Order to Save It": Painting in New York in the 1970s, October 2012, pp. 68-69, illustrated in color


Gabriella Drudi, Willem de Kooning, Milan, 1972, no. 159, illustrated in color (as Armchair)

Georgia Dupuis, "de Kooning - An Artist Reaching Out," Palm Beach Post, December 13, 1975, n.p., illustrated

Exh. Cat., New York, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Willem de Kooning in East Hampton, 1978, p. 53, no. 24, illustrated 

Harry F. Gaugh, Willem de Kooning, New York, 1983, p. 132, no. 114, illustrated

Lisa Liebmann, "The Imagination in Sheep's Clothing," Artforum, April 1986, p. 77, illustrated in color

Exh. Cat., London, Whitechapel Art Gallery, In Tandem: The Painter-Sculptor in the Twentieth Century, 1986, n.p., illustrated in color

Philippe Sollers, De Kooning, Vite, Paris, 1988, n.p., no. 74, illustrated in color

Exh. Cat., New York, Gagosian Gallery, Willem de Kooning: A Centennial Exhibition, 2004, p. 13, no. 8, illustrated in color

"New Willem de Kooning Exhibition Opens at Pace Gallery on April 29," Antiques and the Arts Weekly, April 22, 2011, p. 73 (text)

"Exhibitions," The New Yorker, May 9, 2011, p. 13, illustrated in color

Richard Shiff, Between Sense and de Kooning, London, 2011, p. 113, no. 41, illustrated in color

Roberta Smith, "Willem de Kooning, The Figure: Movement and Gesture," The New York Times, June 17, 2011, p. C27, illustrated (in installation)

Susan F. Lake, Willem de Kooning: The Artist's Materials, Los Angeles, 2010, p. 85 (text), p. 86 (text), p. 90 (text)

Exh. Cat., New York, The Museum of Modern Art, de Kooning: A Retrospective, 2011, p. 390, fig. 17, illustrated in color (in incorrect orientation)

Judith Zilczer, A Way of Living: The Art of Willem de Kooning, London, 2014, p. 199 (text), p. 213, no. 245, illustrated in color


signed; signed on the reverse

oil on canvas

80 by 70 in. 203.2 by 177.8 cm.

Executed in 1971.