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Montecatini' (Ernesto Esposito, Facing Back) by Helmut Newton

Helmut Newton

Montecatini' (Ernesto Esposito, Facing Back), 1988

Gelatin silver print
28.3 x 28 cm (11.14 x 11.02 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Sotheby's, Paris (10 Nov 2022)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Nov 10, 2022
Sotheby'sParisPhotographs, Including Works from the Collection of Ernesto Esposito9
$****** - ******
Montecatini' (Ernesto Esposito, Facing Back)
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Artwork Description



28.3 x 28 cm (11.14 x 11.02 in)


gelatin silver print


signed, titled, and dated in pencil, and the photographer's copyright and reproduction rights stamps on the reverse, signé, titré, et daté au crayon, avec le tampon copyright du photographe au verso ca


Acquired from the photographer


Andrea Busto, Some people. Fotografie da Von Gloeden a Warhol. Me Two - Collezione Ernesto Esposito (MEF Museo Ettore Fico, 2019), p. 10


Property from the Collection of Ernesto Esposito

Helmut Newton

1920 - 2004

'Montecatini' (Ernesto Esposito, Facing Back)

gelatin silver print, signed, titled, and dated in pencil, and the photographer's copyright and reproduction rights stamps on the reverse, framed, 1988

image: 28.3 by 28 cm (11⅛ by 11 in.)

frame: 58.4 by 50.8 cm (23 by 20 in.)


Provenant de la collection d'Ernesto Esposito

Helmut Newton

1920 - 2004


tirage argentique, signé, titré, et daté au crayon, avec le tampon copyright du photographe au verso, encadré, 1988

image: 28.3 x 28 cm (11⅛ x 11 in.)

cadre: 58.4 x 50.8 cm (23 x 20 in.)