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Untitled (M. & S. E-2010-003 - E-2010-012) by Yoshitomo Nara

Yoshitomo Nara

Untitled (M. & S. E-2010-003 - E-2010-012), 2010

The complete set of 10 Ukiyo-e woodcuts in colors, on Japanese paper, the full sheets.
41.9 x 29.5 cm (16.5 x 11.63 in)
Prints & Multiples
Edition of 4
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Phillips, New York (19 Apr 2022)

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Past Sales
ImageLast Sale DateTitleEdition No.Last SaleLast Sale Auction HouseLast Sale Location
Apr 19, 2022Untitled (M. & S. E-2010-003 - E-2010-012)2
PhillipsNew York
Artwork Description

Prints & Multiples


41.9 x 29.5 cm (16.5 x 11.63 in)


The complete set of 10 Ukiyo-e woodcuts in colors, on Japanese paper, the full sheets.


All signed, dated and numbered 'PP 2/4' in pencil (printer's proofs, the edition was 50 and 12 artist's proofs), co-published by Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, and Pace Editions, Inc., New York, all framed


Pace Prints, New York


Noriko Miyamura & Shinko Suzuki E-2010-003 - E-2020-012


The complete set of 10 Ukiyo-e woodcuts in colors, on Japanese paper, the full sheets.

all S. 16 1/2 x 11 5/8 in. (41.9 x 29.5 cm)

All signed, dated and numbered 'PP 2/4' in pencil (printer's proofs, the edition was 50 and 12 artist's proofs), co-published by Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, and Pace Editions, Inc., New York, all framed.