Top-100 artists:

Les meules à Giverny by Claude Monet

Claude Monet

Les meules à Giverny, 1885

Oil on canvas
64.9 x 81.1 cm (25.55 x 31.93 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Christie's, New York (14 May 2015)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
May 14, 2015
Christie'sNew YorkImpressionist and Modern Evening Sale Including Property from the John C. Whitehead Collection15
$****** - ******
Les meules à Giverny
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Artwork Description



64.9 x 81.1 cm (25.55 x 31.93 in)


oil on canvas


signed and dated 'Claude Monet 85' (lower left)


Galerie Durand-Ruel et Cie., Paris (acquired from the artist, by 8 September 1886). Durand-Ruel Galleries, New York (acquired from the above). Frank Thomson, Philadelphia (acquired from the above, 4 October 1889). Anne Thomson, Philadelphia (by descent from the above, by 1905). René Gimpel, Paris (by 1931 and until circa 1942). Magy Bondanini, Galerie de l’Athénée, Geneva. Emil Georg Bührle, Zürich (acquired from the above, 15 June 1944). Dr. Fritz Nathan, Zürich (acquired from the estate of the above, 1958).

Private collection, Switzerland (acquired from the above, circa 1967). By descent from the above


Boston, Copley Hall, Monet-Rodin , March 1905, p. 26, no. 83. London, Royal Academy, From Manet to Gauguin: Masterpieces from Swiss Private Collections , June-October 1995, p. 90, no. 35 (illustrated in color, p. 89). Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Claude Monet: Fields in Spring , May-September 2006, no. 11 (illustrated in color, p. 29)


F. and P. Nathan, 25 Jahre, 1936-1961 , Winterthur, 1961, p. 35 (titled Meules en été ). F. and P. Nathan, 1922-1972 , Zürich, 1972, no. 76 (illustrated; titled Les Meules and dated 1890). D. Wildenstein, Claude Monet: Biographie et catalogue raisonné , Lausanne, 1979, vol. II, p. 162, no. 993 (illustrated, p. 163). R. Gordon and A. Forge, Monet , New York, 1983, p. 157 (illustrated). P. Tucker, Monet in the ’90s: The Series Paintings , exh. cat., Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1989, p. 298, note 12. D. Wildenstein, Claude Monet: Catalogue raisonné , Lausanne, 1991, vol. V, p. 43, no. 993. D. Wildenstein, Claude Monet: Catalogue raisonné , Cologne, 1996, vol. III, p. 372, no. 993 (illustrated)