Top-100 artists:

The Bridge and River Tajo, Ronda by David Bomberg

David Bomberg

The Bridge and River Tajo, Ronda, 1935

Oil on canvas
76.8 x 66.7 cm (30.25 x 26.25 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Christie's, London (22 Mar 2022)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Mar 22, 2022
Christie'sLondonModern British and Irish Art Evening Sale5
$****** - ******
The Bridge and River Tajo, Ronda
Artwork Description



76.8 x 66.7 cm (30.25 x 26.25 in)


oil on canvas


signed and dated 'Bomberg 35' (lower right)


Dinora Davies-Rees, the artist's step-daughter.

with Fischer Fine Art, London.

Private collection, U.S.A.

with Bernard Jacobson, London, circa 2000.


Jerusalem, Israel Museum, David Bomberg in Palestine 1923-1927, October 1983 - January 1984, no. 65.

London, Fischer Fine Art, David Bomberg: A Tribute to Lilian Bomberg, March - April 1985, no. 61, catalogue not traced.

Los Angeles, L.A. Louver Gallery, David Bomberg: A Survey of Paintings and Drawings, 1986, no. 19, catalogue not traced.

Sydney, Rex Irwin Gallery, David Bomberg, June - July 1986, no. 17.

London, Fischer Fine Art, Bomberg: An Exhibition of Major Paintings and Drawings, March - April 1988, no. 8.

Ronda, Museo Joaquín Peinado, David Bomberg in Ronda , October 2004, no. 5.

Kendal, Abbot Hall Art Gallery, David Bomberg: Spirit in the Mass, July - October 2006, no. 44.

London, Tate Britain, All Too Human: Bacon, Freud and a Century of Painting Life , February - August 2018, exhibition not numbered: this exhibition travelled to Budapest, Museum of Fine Arts, October 2018 - Janurary 2019.


Exhibition catalogue, Bomberg: An Exhibition of Major Paintings and Drawings, London, Fischer Fine Art, 1988, pp. 22, 33, no. 8, illustrated.

R. Cork (ed.), exhibition catalogue, David Bomberg in Ronda , Ronda, Museo Joaquín Peinado, 2004, pp. 44-45, no. 5, illustrated.

Exhibition catalogue, David Bomberg: Spirit in the Mass , Kendal, Abbot Hall Art Gallery, 2006, pp. 44, 87, no. 44, illustrated.

E. Crippa (ed.), exhibition catalogue, All Too Human: Bacon, Freud and a Century of Painting Life , London, Tate Britain, 2018, pp. 78-79, 215, illustrated.


DAVID BOMBERG (1890-1957)

The Bridge and River Tajo, Ronda

signed and dated 'Bomberg 35' (lower right)

oil on canvas

30 1⁄4 x 26 1⁄4 in. (76.9 x 66.7 cm.)

Painted in 1935.