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Composition with Red Strokes by Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock

Composition with Red Strokes, 1950

Oil, enamel and aluminum paint on canvas
93 x 65.1 cm (36.63 x 25.63 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Christie's, New York (14 Nov 2018)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Nov 14, 2018
Christie'sNew YorkAn American Place | The Barney A. Ebsworth Collection Evening Sale17B
$****** - ******
Composition with Red Strokes
Artwork Description



93 x 65.1 cm (36.63 x 25.63 in)


oil, enamel and aluminum paint on canvas


signed and dated '50 Jackson Pollock' (lower left), signed and dated again 'Jackson Pollock 1950' (on the reverse)


Rodolphe Stadler, Paris

Phillippe Dotremont, Brussels

Robert Elkon Gallery, New York

Mr. and Mrs. N. Richard Miller, Philadelphia

Stephen Mazoh, Inc., New York

Private collection, 1996

Jason McCoy, Inc., New York, 1997

Acquired from the above by the late owner, 1997


Florence, Palazzo Strozzi, Mostra Mercato Nazionale d'Arte Contemporanea, March-April 1964, p. 181, no. 1 (illustrated).

New York, Museum of Modern Art, Jackson Pollock, April-June 1967, pp. 110 and 133, no. 53 (illustrated).

New York, Whitney Museum of American Art, City of Ambition: Artists & New York, July-October 1996, pp. 132 and 140 (illustrated in color).

Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art; Seattle Art Museum, Twentieth-Century American Art: The Ebsworth Collection, March-November 2000, pp. 206-209 and 294, no. 53 (illustrated in color).


J. Kroll, “Art: Jackson Pollock in retrospect,” Newsweek, 17 April 1967, p. 98 (illustrated).

F. V. O'Connor and E. V. Thaw, eds., Jackson Pollock: A Catalogue Raisonné of Paintings, Drawings and Other Works, New Haven and London, 1978, vol. 1, pl. 36 (illustrated in color); vol. 2, p. 91, no. 268 (illustrated).

D. Ngo, ed., Art + Architecture: The Ebsworth Collection + Residence, San Francisco, 2006, n.p. (installation views illustrated in color).

Jackson Pollock: A Centennial Exhibition, exh. cat., New York, Jason McCoy Gallery, 2012, p. 39, pl. 17 (illustrated in color and illustrated in color on the exhibition poster).


signed and dated '50 Jackson Pollock' (lower left); signed and dated again 'Jackson Pollock 1950' (on the reverse)

oil, enamel and aluminum paint on canvas

36 5/8 x 25 5/8 in. (93 x 65.1 cm.)

Painted in 1950.