Top-100 artists:

painting  (red circle) by Ben Nicholson, O.M.

Ben Nicholson, O.M.

painting (red circle), 1938

Oil on canvas
97.5 x 123.8 cm (38.38 x 48.75 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at undefined, undefined (02 May 2024)

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97.5 x 123.8 cm (38.38 x 48.75 in)


oil on canvas


signed and dated "Ben Nicholson 1938" (on the canvas overlap), signed and dated again and inscribed "BEN NICHOLSON/1938/"painting 1938"/Nicholson/7 Mall Studios/Parkhill Rd/NW3 London/Chy an Kerris/Carbis Bay/St Ives/Cornwall" (on the backboard)


with Gimpel Fils, London, where purchased by Mr and Mrs Allan D. Emil, New York, in May 1958, and by descent to the present owners.


London, Lefevre Gallery, Ben Nicholson: Paintings, Gouaches, Reliefs, Drawings, March 1939, no. 6.

Paris, British Council, UNESCO International Exhibition, 1946, catalogue not traced.

Düsseldorf, British Council, Hetjens Museum, Contemporary British Painting, November - December 1948, no. 33: this exhibition travelled to Hamburg, Hamberger Kunsthalle, January 1949; Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, February - March 1949; Luxembourg, Musées de l"Etat, March 1949; and Brussels, Palais des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles, October 1949 - January 1950.

Toronto, Art Gallery of Ontario, Five Contemporary British Painters, September - October 1952, no. 24: this exhibition travelled to Ottawa, National Gallery of Canada, November 1952; Québec, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, December 1952 - January 1953; Ontario, London Art Gallery and Museum, February 1953; Manitoba, Winnipeg Art Gallery, March - April 1953; and Vancouver, Vancouver Art Gallery, April - May 1953.

Venice, British Council, XXVII Biennale: Nicholson, Bacon, Freud, June - September 1954, no. 13.

Amsterdam, British Council, Stedelijk Museum, Ben Nicholson, November 1954 - January 1955, no. 29: this exhibition travelled to Paris, Musée National d"Art Moderne, January - February 1955; Brussels, Palais des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles, March 1955; Zürich, Kunsthaus Zürich, April - May 1955; and London, Tate Gallery, June - July 1955.

American Federation of the Arts, 1963, no. 29.

Dallas, Museum of Fine Arts, Ben Nicholson: Retrospective Exhibition, April - May 1964, no. 20.


BEN NICHOLSON, O.M. (1894-1982)

painting 1938 (red circle)

signed and dated "Ben Nicholson 1938" (on the canvas overlap), signed and dated again and inscribed "BEN NICHOLSON/1938/"painting 1938"/Nicholson/7 Mall Studios/Parkhill Rd/NW3 London/Chy an Kerris/Carbis Bay/St Ives/Cornwall" (on the backboard)

oil on canvas, in the artist"s frame

38 3/8 x 48 ¾ in. (97.5 x 124 cm.)

Painted in 1938.