Top-100 artists:

Number 17 by Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock

Number 17, 1951

Enamel on canvas
148.6 x 148.6 cm (58.5 x 58.5 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Sotheby's, New York (16 Nov 2021)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Nov 16, 2021
Sotheby'sNew YorkThe Macklowe Collection11
$****** - ******
Number 17
Artwork Description



148.6 x 148.6 cm (58.5 x 58.5 in)


enamel on canvas


Sidney Janis Gallery, New York

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (acquired in 1952)

Estate of the artist (by exchange in 1957)

Marlborough-Gerson Gallery, New York

S. I. Newhouse, Jr., New York

Gagosian Gallery, New York

Private Collection, New York (acquired from the above)

Richard Gray Gallery, New York

Acquired by the present owner from the above in 1999


Sidney Tillim, “Realism and ‘The Problem’,” Arts 37, No. 10, September 1963, p. 48

John Canaday, "This Way (and That) to the American Art Shows," The New York Times, 28 June 1964, p. X13, illustrated (image reversed)

William Rubin, “Jackson Pollock and the Modern Tradition,” Artforum, No. 8, April 1967, p. 24, no. 8, illustrated, and p. 30 (text)

Exh. Cat., New York, Museum of Modern Art, Jackson Pollock , April - June 1967, p. 62 (text)

John Russel, "Living with Art," House & Garden, November 1969, illustrated (installed in the home of S.I. Newhouse)

Daniel M. Mendelowitz, A History of American Art, New York 1970, p. 440, fig. 596, illustrated

Francis Valentine O'Connor, Eugene Victor Thaw, Jackson Pollock: A Catalogue Raisonné of Paintings, Drawings and Other Works , New Haven 1978, p. 132, no. 319, illustrated

Kay Larson, “Jackson Whole”, New York Magazine, 21 May 1990, p. 77 (text)

Michael Gross, Rogues' Gallery: The Secret History of the Moguls and the Money that Made the Metropolitan Museum , New York 2010, p. 226-27

Exh. Cat., Liverpool, Tate Liverpool, Jackson Pollock: Blind Spots, 2015, p. 43, illustrated in color, and p. 155 (text)


Jackson Pollock

1912 - 1956

Number 17, 1951

enamel on canvas

58 ½ by 58 ½ in. 148.6 by 148.6 cm.

Executed in 1951.