Top-100 artists:

Kyoka Kenro by Kazuo Shiraga

Kazuo Shiraga

Kyoka Kenro, 1982

Oil on canvas
130 x 195 cm (51.18 x 76.77 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Christie's, Paris (28 Jun 2022)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Jun 28, 2022
Christie'sParis20th/21st Century: Paris Evening Sale105
$****** - ******
Kyoka Kenro
Artwork Description



130 x 195 cm (51.18 x 76.77 in)


oil on canvas


signé en japonais (en bas à droite); signé, titré et daté en japonais 'Shiraga "KYOKA KENRO" 6. 1982' (au dos) signed in Japanese (lower right); signed, titled and dated in Japanese 'Shiraga "KYOKA KENRO" 6. 1982' (on the reverse)


Galerie Stadler, Paris.

Acquis auprès de celle-ci par le propriétaire actuel.


Toyoshina, Azumino Municipal Museum of Modern Art; Amagazaki, Amagazaki Cultural Center; Yokosuka, Yokosuka Museum of Art, Kazuo Shiraga: Painting Born out Fighting , 2009, no. 274 (illustré en couleurs au catalogue d'exposition).


Kazuo Shiraga (1924-2008)

Kyoka Kenro

signé en japonais (en bas à droite); signé, titré et daté en japonais 'Shiraga "KYOKA KENRO" 6. 1982' (au dos)

huile sur toile

130 x 195 cm.

Peint en 1982.

signed in Japanese (lower right); signed, titled and dated in Japanese 'Shiraga "KYOKA KENRO" 6. 1982' (on the reverse)

oil on canvas

51 1⁄8 x 76 1⁄2 in.

Painted in 1982.