Top-100 artists:

Diego y yo by Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo

Diego y yo, 1949

Oil on Masonite
29.5 x 22.2 cm (11.63 x 8.75 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Sotheby's, New York (17 Nov 2021)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Nov 17, 2021
Sotheby'sNew YorkModern Evening Auction12
$****** - ******
Diego y yo
Artwork Description



29.5 x 22.2 cm (11.63 x 8.75 in)


oil on Masonite


signed Frida Kahlo , dated 1949 and inscribed Mexico and Diego y yo (upper right); dedicated and inscribed para Florence y Sam con el cariño de Frida. Mexico, Junio de 1949 (on the reverse)


Sam Williams & Florence Arquin, Chicago (acquired directly from the artist)

Sotheby’s, New York, 2 May 1990, lot 18 (consigned by the above)

Mary-Anne Martin Fine Art, New York (acquired from the above)

Private Collection, Texas (acquired from the above)

Private Collection, New York (acquired from the above circa 1995)

Acquired by descent to the present owner


Raquel Tibol, Frida Kahlo: Crónica, testimonios y aproximaciones, Mexico City, 1997, n.p., illustrated

Hayden Herrera, Frida: A Biography of Frida Kahlo , New York, 1983, pl. XXVI,

illustrated in color

Rauda Jamis, Frida Kahlo: Autoportrait d’une femme , Paris, 1985, n.p., illustrated

Araceli Rico Cervantes, Frida Kahlo: Fantasia de un cuerpo herido , Mexico City, 1987, p. 67, illustrated

Martha Zamora, Frida, El Pincel de la angustia , Mexico City, 1987, p. 351, illustrated in color

Helga Pringnitz Poda, Salomon Grimberg & Andrea Kettenmann, Frida Kahlo, Das Gesamtwerk , Frankfurt, 1988, no. 119, p. 164, illustrated in color

Hayden Herrera, Frida Kahlo: The Paintings , New York, 1991, pp. 172-73, illustrated in color

Andrea Kettenmann, Frida Kahlo: 1907-1954 , Cologne, 1993, pp.78-79, illustrated in color

Robin Richmond, Frida Kahlo in Mexico , San Francisco, 1994, pp. 8-9 & 135, illustrated in color

Salomon Grimberg, Frida Kahlo , Greenwich, 1997, pp.114-15, illustrated in color

Luis-Martín Lozano, ed., Frida , Colima, 2000, p. 207, illustrated in color

Helga Prignitz-Poda, Frida Kahlo: The Painter and Her Work , New York, 2003, no. 40, pp. 244-45, illustrated in color

Exh. Cat., Hamburg, Bucerius Kunst Forum, Frida Kahlo , 2006, fig. 5, p. 44, illustrated in color

Exh. Cat., Munich, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Frida Kahlo-Retrospective, 2010, fig. 14, p. 51, illustrated in color

Luis-Martín Lozano, ed. The Complete Paintings of Frida Kahlo , Taschen 2021, pp. 288-289, illustrated in colour


Property from a Private Collection

Frida Kahlo

1907 - 1954

Diego y yo

signed Frida Kahlo , dated 1949 and inscribed Mexico and Diego y yo (upper right); dedicated and inscribed para Florence y Sam con el cariño de Frida. Mexico, Junio de 1949 (on the reverse)

oil on Masonite

11⅝ by 8¾ in. 30 by 22.4 cm.

Executed in June 1949.