Top-100 artists:

Vase de lys sur fond marron (Vase of Lilies with Red Ground) by Sanyu


Vase de lys sur fond marron (Vase of Lilies with Red Ground), 1940

Oil on masonite
91 x 50 cm (35.83 x 19.69 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Christie's, Hong Kong (01 Dec 2021)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Dec 1, 2021
Christie'sHong Kong20th/21st Century Art Evening Sale: Worlds In A Hand10
$****** - ******
Vase de lys sur fond marron (Vase of Lilies with Red Ground)
Artwork Description



91 x 50 cm (35.83 x 19.69 in)


oil on masonite


signed in Chinese and signed ‘SANYU’ (lower right)


Collection of Jean-Claude Riedel, Paris

Dimensions Art Center, Taipei

Private Collection, Asia

Christie’s Hong Kong, 29 May 2010, Lot 01016

Acquired from the above by the present owner


Taipei, Dimensions Art Center, Sanyu, 18-30 April 1992.

Taipei, National Museum of History, The Exhibition of Sanyu, 14 October-26 November 1995.

Taipei, National Museum of History, In Search of a Homeland - The Art of San Yu, 13 October - 2 December 2001.


Dimensions Art Center, Important Works by Sanyu - Paris Period, Taipei, 1992 (illustrated, pp. 40-41).

National Museum of History, The Art of Sanyu, Taipei, 1995 (illustrated, plate 44, p. 57).

National Museum of History, In Search of a Homeland - The Art of San Yu, Taipei, 2001 (illustrated, plate 75, p. 122).

Rita Wong (ed.), Sanyu Catalogue Raisonne Oil Paintings, YAGEO Foundation, Lin & Keng Art Publications, Taipei, 2001(illustrated, plate 117, p. 227).

Rita Wong (ed.), Sanyu: Catalogue Raisonne: Oil Paintings (Volume II), The Li Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation, Taipei, 2011 (illustrated, plate 117, p. 129).

Lin & Lin Gallery, Sanyu - The Art of Black, White and Pink, 2018 (illustrated, p. 142-143).


SANYU (CHANG YU, 1895-1966)

Vase de lys sur fond marron (Vase of Lilies with Red Ground)

signed in Chinese and signed ‘SANYU’ (lower right)

oil on masonite

91 x 50 cm. (35 7/8. x 19 5/8. in.)

Painted in the 1940s