Top-100 artists:

Nat-Shango (Thunder) by Kerry James Marshall

Kerry James Marshall

Nat-Shango (Thunder), 1991

Acrylic, paper collage and printed paper collage on linen
186.7 x 141.6 cm (73.5 x 55.75 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Christie's, New York (11 May 2021)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
May 11, 2021
Christie'sNew York21st Century Evening Sale12A
$****** - ******
Nat-Shango (Thunder)
Artwork Description



186.7 x 141.6 cm (73.5 x 55.75 in)


acrylic, paper collage and printed paper collage on linen


The artist

Koplin Gallery, Santa Monica

Acquired from the above by the present owners, 1994


Santa Monica, Koplin Gallery, Kerry James Marshall, March-April 1991.

Laguna Beach, Laguna Art Museum, My Culture, Our Culture, 1993-April 1994.

Overland Park, Johnson County Community College Gallery of Art, Kerry James Marshall, January-February 1995.

Seattle, Greg Kucera Gallery, Kerry James Marshall: Paintings on Paper and Canvas, October 1995.

San Diego State University, University Art Gallery, Kerry James Marshall: Looking Back, April-May 1997 (illustrated on the exhibition invitation).

Seattle Art Museum, Hero/Anti-Hero, December 2002-August 2003.

Seattle Art Museum, Close-Ups, August 2016-August 2018.


K. McKenna, “Mixed-Media Homage to a Black Martyr,” Los Angeles Times, 15 March 1991.

A. Thorsen, "Examining Blackness Through Art," Kansas City Star, 29 January 1995, p. I-3.

S. Farr, "Black in Color," Seattle Weekly, 18 October 1995, p. 72 (illustrated).

R. Pincus, "A Look Back," San Diego Union Tribune, 24 April 1997, p. 19 (illustrated).

K. James Marshall et al., Kerry James Marshall, New York, 2000, p. 53.

"Kerry James Marshall: Identity," Art in the Twenty-First Century, season 1, 28 September 2001 (video).