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The Apprentice Bench by Kwesi Botchway

Kwesi Botchway

The Apprentice Bench, 2020

Acrylic and oil on canvas
171 x 127.4 cm (67.32 x 50.16 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Not yet available
Last recorded sale at Phillips, London (03 Mar 2022)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Mar 3, 2022
PhillipsLondon20th Century & Contemporary Art Evening Sale4
$****** - ******
The Apprentice Bench
Artwork Description



171 x 127.4 cm (67.32 x 50.16 in)


acrylic and oil on canvas


signed and dated 'K. Botchway 20' on the centre of the bench; signed, titled and dated 'Kwesi Botchway The Apprentice Bench (2020)' on the reverse


Gallery 1957, Accra

Private Collection (acquired from the above)

Acquired from the above by the present owner


Accra, Gallery 1957, Kwesi Botchway - Dark Purple Is Everything Black, 19 May - 9 June 2020


Naomi Rea, 'Studio Visit: Kwesi Botchway on the Importance of Painting Faces and Celebrating His Fellow Ghanaian Artists', artnet news, 30 March 2021, online (illustrated in the artist's studio)


signed and dated 'K. Botchway 20' on the centre of the bench; signed, titled and dated 'Kwesi Botchway The Apprentice Bench (2020)' on the reverse

acrylic and oil on canvas

171 x 127.4 cm (67 3/8 x 50 1/8 in.)

Painted in 2020.