Top-100 artists:

Achrome by Piero Manzoni

Piero Manzoni

Achrome, 1962

Pebbles and kaolin on canvas
59 x 49.3 cm (23.22 x 19.4 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Sotheby's, Milan (13 Apr 2022)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Apr 13, 2022
Sotheby'sMilanContemporary Auction18
$****** - ******
Artwork Description



59 x 49.3 cm (23.22 x 19.4 in)


pebbles and kaolin on canvas


Galleria d'Arte Unimedia, Genoa

Luigi Accame collection, Genoa

Galleriaforma, Genoa

Camerana collection, Turin

Galleria Marin, Turin

Galleria LP220, Turin

Galleria Il Punto, Turin

Galleria Toselli, Milan

Galleria Ippolito Simonis, Turin

Galleria Milano, Milan

Private collection, Novara

Acquired from the above by the present owner (Ivi acquistato dall'attuale proprietario)


Milan, Galleria Toselli, Sentenza 1. Alighiero Boetti, Hans P. Emperger, Luciano Fabro, Yves Klein, Richard Long, Piero Manzoni, Giulio Paolini, Robert Ryman , 8-31 October 1969

London, Royal College, Piero Manzoni , 1973


Germano Celant, Piero Manzoni. Catalogo generale , vol. I, Milan 2004, p. 378, illustrated

Germano Celant, Piero Manzoni. Catalogo generale , vol. II, Milan 2004, p. 545, n. 1030

Rosalia Pasqualino di Marineo, Piero Manzoni: Materials of His Time , exhibition catalogue, Hauser&Wirth Publisher 2019, p. 128, illustrated


Piero Manzoni

1933 - 1963


pebbles and kaolin on canvas

Executed in circa 1962

(sassi e caolino su tela

Eseguito nel 1962 circa)

cm 50x40; inches 19.68 by 15.74

Framed: cm 59x49,3x7,2; inches 23.22 by 19.40 by 2.83