Top-100 artists:

Orange, Red, Yellow by Mark Rothko

Mark Rothko

Orange, Red, Yellow, 1961

Oil on canvas
236.2 x 206.4 cm (92.99 x 81.26 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Christie's, New York (08 May 2012)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
May 8, 2012
Christie'sNew YorkPost-War and Contemporary Art Evening Sale20
$****** - ******
Orange, Red, Yellow
Artwork Description



236.2 x 206.4 cm (92.99 x 81.26 in)


oil on canvas


signed and dated 'MARK ROTHKO 1961' (on the reverse); signed again and with initials 'M. Rothko M.B.' (on the stretcher)


Marlborough-Gerson Gallery, Inc., New York. Marloborough Fine Art, Ltd., London.

Acquired from the above by the present owner, 1967.


London, Marlborough New London Gallery, Mark Rothko, February-March 1964, no. 4 (illustrated in color). Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia Collects: Art Since 1940, September-November 1986, p. 20 (illustrated in color). University Park, Pennsylvania State University, Palmer Museum of Art, Abstraction to Figuration: Selections of Contemporary Art from the Pincus Collection, June-December 1996. Philadelphia Museum of Art (on extended loan).


H. Rosenberg, "After Next, What?," Art in America, no. 52, April 1964, p. 69 (illustrated in color, inverted). D. Sylvester, ed., Modern Art: From Fauvism to Abstract Expressionism, New York, 1965, p. 303 (illustrated in color, inverted). D. Anfam, Mark Rothko: The Works on Canvas, Catalogue Raisonné, New Haven, 1998, p. 550, no. 693 (illustrated in color).