Top-100 artists:

Buster Keaton by Jeff Koons

Jeff Koons

Buster Keaton, 1988

Polychromed wood
167.6 x 121.9 x 68.6 cm (65.98 x 47.99 x 27.01 in)
Edition of 3
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Phillips, New York (11 Nov 2013)

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Past Sales
ImageLast Sale DateTitleEdition No.Last SaleLast Sale Auction HouseLast Sale Location
Nov 11, 2013Buster Keaton
PhillipsNew York
May 11, 2006Buster Keaton
PhillipsNew York
Nov 11, 2002Buster Keaton
PhillipsNew York
May 19, 1999Buster Keaton
Christie'sNew York
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Artwork Description



167.6 x 121.9 x 68.6 cm (65.98 x 47.99 x 27.01 in)


polychromed wood


This work is numbered and dated "1/3 '88" on the underside.


Galerie Max Hetzler, Cologne

Private Collection


Cologne, Galerie Max Hetzler, Banality, November, 1988 (current example exhibited); New York, Sonnabend Gallery, Banality, November, 1988 (another example exhibited); Chicago, Donald Young Gallery, Banality, December, 1988 (another example exhibited); Pittsburgh, Carnegie Museum of Art, The Carnegie International,November 5, 1988 - January 22, 1989 (current example exhibited); Los Angeles, Museum of Contemporary Art, A Forest of Signs: Art in the Crisis of Representation, May 7 - August 13, 1989 (current example exhibited); Trento, Museum di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, American Art of the Eighties, December 1991 - March 1992 (another example exhibited); Minneapolis, Walker Art Center, Let's Entertain Life's Guilty Pleasures, February 12 - April 30, 2000, then traveled to Portland Art Museum (July 7 -September 17, 2000), Paris, Musée national d'art moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou (November 15 - December 18, 2000), Wolfsburg, Germany Kunstmuseum, Wolfsburg (March 16-July 15, 2001), Mexico City, Museo Rufino Tamayo (June 6 - August 8, 2001), Miami Art Museum, (September 14 - November 18, 2001) (another example exhibited); Naples, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Jeff Koons, June 9 - September 15, 2003 (another example exhibited); New York, C&M Arts, Jeff Koons: Highlights of Twenty-Five Years, April 7 - June 5, 2004 (another example exhibited); Oslo, Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art, Jeff Koons: Retrospective, September 4 - December 12, 2004 (another example exhibited); Chicago, Museum of Contemporary Art, Jeff Koons, May 31 - September 21, 2008 (another example exhibited); New York, Haunch of Venison, Your history is not our history, March 5 - May 1, 2010 (another example exhibited); Venice, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Ileana Sonnabend An Italian Portrait, May 29 - October 2, 2011 (another example exhibited); Basel, Fondation Beyeler, Jeff Koons. May 13 - October 2, 2012, p.91 (another example exhibited); Frankfurt, Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung, Jeff Koons. The Sculptor, June 20 - September 23, 2012 (another example exhibited)


R. Mahoney, "Miracle on W. Broadway," New York Press, New York, November 9, 1988, p.15; K. Levin, "The Evil of Banality," Village Voice, December 20, 1988, p. 115; "Collaborations, Martin Kippenberger-Jeff Koons," Parkett, no.19, p. 32 (illustrated); A. Muthesius, Jeff Koons, Cologne: Taschen, 1992, pp. 119 and 121, no. 21 (illustrated); G. Belli, J. Saltz, American Art of the Eighties, Milan: Electa,1991, p. 60 (illustrated); J. Koons, The Jeff Koons Handbook, London: Thames and Hudson Limited and Anthony d'Offay Gallery, 1992, p. 159 (illustrated); K. Jacobson, ed., Let's Entertain Life's Guilty Pleasures, Minneapolis: Walker Art Center, 2000, p. 246, no. 41 (illustrated); M. Codognato and E. Geuna, Jeff Koons: Napoli, Museo archeologico nazionale, Naples: Electa, 2003, p. 71 (illustrated); M. Spiegler, "How Many Buster Keatons Does it Take to Fill an Art Gallery," ArtNews, September 2004, p. 121 (illustrated); M. Woltmann, ed., Jeff Koons: Retrospective, Oslo: Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art, 2004, p. 89 (illustrated); Jeff Koons: Highlights of Twenty-Five Years, New York: C&M Arts, 2004, no. 5, n.p. (illustrated); H. W. Holzwarth, Jeff Koons, Cologne: Taschen, 2007, pp. 273-275 (illustrated); H. Bourdeaux-Martin, "Profile-Dominique Levy," Whitewall, Winter 2008, p. 42 (illustrated); F. Bonami, ed., Jeff Koons, Chicago, Museum of Contemporary Art, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008, p. 64 (illustrated); M. Nakamura, "USA: Jeff Koons, art actuel,no. 57, July/August 2008, p. 72, (illustrated); G. Bader,"Jeff Koons: Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Artforum, September 2008, p. 450, (Chicago installation illustrated); J. Tully, "The Reporter: Uneasy Street, Art & Auction, January 2009, p. 28, (illustrated); M. Sollins, ed., art: 21, Dalton, Massachusetts, 2009, p. 101, (Chicago Museum ofContemporary Art installation illustrated); H.W. Holzwarth, ed., Jeff Koons, Hong Kong: Taschen, 2009, pp. 270-271(illustrated); Your history is not our history, exh. cat.,Haunch of Venison, New York, 2010, p. 4 and 45 (illustrated); Ileana Sonnabend An Italian Portrait, exh. cat., Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, 2011, p. 33 (illustrated); Jeff Koons , exh. cat., Fondation Beyeler, Basel, 2012, p. 91 (illustrated); L. Tansini,"Basel; Jeff Koons- Beyeler Foundation," Sculpture, April 2013, p.77 (illustrated)