Top-100 artists:

Self-Portrait by Jeff Koons

Jeff Koons

Self-Portrait, 1991

94.4 x 51.6 x 36.5 cm (37.17 x 20.32 x 14.35 in)
Edition of 3
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Phillips, New York (15 May 2008)

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Past Sales
ImageLast Sale DateTitleEdition No.Last SaleLast Sale Auction HouseLast Sale Location
May 15, 2008Self-Portrait
PhillipsNew York
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94.4 x 51.6 x 36.5 cm (37.17 x 20.32 x 14.35 in)




Sonnabend Gallery, New York


New York, Sonnabend Gallery and Cologne, Max Hetzler Galerie, Made in Heaven, November 15 -December 14, 1991; San Francisco Museum of Art, Jeff Koons, December 10, 1992- February 7, 1993; Minneapolis, Walker Art Center, Jeff Koons, July 10 - October 3, 1993; Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, November 28, 1992 - January 3, 1993, Aarhus Kunstmuseum, January 22 - February 28, 1993; and Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, March 12 - April 18, 1993 Jeff Koons-Retrospektiv; Berlin, Martin Gropius Bau, The Age of Modernism - Art in the 20th Century, May 7-July 27, 1997; Rotterdam, Museum Boijmans-van Beuningen, Self-Portraits, 1998; Aspen Art Museum, Warhol, Koons, Hirst: Cult and Culture, August 3 - September 30, 2001; Naples, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Jeff Koons, June 9 - September 15, 2003


R. Rosenblum, ed., The Jeff Koons Handbook, London/NewYork, 1992, pp.121 and cover (illustrated) and p. 164; A. Muthesius, ed., Jeff Koons, Cologne, 1992, p. 155 (illustrated); San Francisco Museum of Art andWalker Art Center, eds., Jeff Koons, New York, 1992, pl. 52 and back cover (illustrated);V. Andersen, J. Koons, and A. Kold, Jeff Koons, Aarhus, 1993, p.72 (illustrated); D. Sobel, D. Ebony, and K. Logan, Warhol/Koons/Hirst: Cult and Culture, Aspen, 2001, pl. 19 (illustrated); M. Grynsztejn, ed., Supernova: Art of the 1990s from the Logan Collection, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 2003, p. 21 (illustrated); K. Logan and D. Sobel, Post Modern Portraiture, Vail, 2005, pl. 12 (illustrated)