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Saule pleureur et bassin aux nymphéas by Claude Monet

Claude Monet

Saule pleureur et bassin aux nymphéas, 1916

Oil on canvas
199.4 x 179.7 cm (78.5 x 70.75 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Christie's, London (28 Feb 2019)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Feb 28, 2019
Christie'sLondonHidden Treasures: Impressionist & Modern Masterpieces from an Important Private Collection11
$****** - ******
Saule pleureur et bassin aux nymphéas
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Artwork Description



199.4 x 179.7 cm (78.5 x 70.75 in)


oil on canvas


stamped with signature ‘Claude Monet’ (Lugt 1819b; lower left)


The artist's estate.

Michel Monet, Giverny, by descent from the above.

Galerie Katia Granoff, Paris, by whom acquired from the above, between 1951-1956.

Wildenstein & Co., Inc., New York, by whom acquired from the above, in January 1983.

Acquired from the above by the present owners, on 29 May 1985.


Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, Monet in the 20th Century, September - December 1998, no. 61, p. 283 (illustrated p. 196; dated '1914-1919').


J.-D. Rey, Nymphéas ou les miroirs du temps, Paris, 1972, p. 169 (illustrated).

D. Wildenstein, Claude Monet: Biographie et catalogue raisonné, vol. IV, 1899-1926, Lausanne & Paris, 1985, no. 1849, p. 274 (illustrated pp. 101 & 275).

D. Wildenstein, Claude Monet: Catalogue raisonné, vol. V, Lausanne & Paris, 1991, no. 1849, p. 54.

D. Wildenstein, Monet: Catalogue Raisonné, vol. IV, Cologne & Lausanne, 1996, no. 1849, p. 877 (illustrated).

C. Temin, 'Monet’s Grand Finale', in Boston Globe, Boston, 18 September 1998, p. D14 (illustrated on the front page).

J.-D. Rey & D. Rouart, Monet Water Lilies: The Complete Series, Paris, 2008, p. 136 (illustrated).

P. H. Tucker, Claude Monet: Late Work, exh. cat., Gagosian Gallery, New York, 2010, p. 32 (illustrated fig. 16, p. 31).

G.T.M. Shackelford, Monet: The Late Years, exh. cat., Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, 2019, pp. 133-134 (illustrated fig. 159).


stamped with signature ‘Claude Monet’ (Lugt 1819b; lower left)

oil on canvas

78 1/2 x 70 3/4 in. (199 x 180 cm.)

Painted in Giverny in 1916-1919