Top-100 artists:

Nymphéas by Claude Monet

Claude Monet

Nymphéas, 1914

Oil on canvas
132 x 84 cm (51.97 x 33.07 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Sotheby's, London (02 Mar 2022)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Mar 2, 2022
Sotheby'sLondonModern & Contemporary Evening Auction106
$****** - ******
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Artwork Description



132 x 84 cm (51.97 x 33.07 in)


oil on canvas


stamped Claude Monet (lower left); stamped Claude Monet on the reverse and again on the stretcher


Michel Monet, Giverny (the artist's son; by descent from the artist)

Katia Granoff, Paris

Charles E. Slatkin Galleries, New York

Mrs Bernard Lande, Canada (acquired by 1960)

Sale: Christie's, New York, 31st October 1978, lot 24

A. Alfred Taubman, United States (purchased at the above sale)

Fukuoka Broadcasting Corporation, Japan

Private Collection, Japan (acquired from the above circa 1995)

Thence by descent to the present owner


Montreal, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Canada Collects. European Paintings, 1860-1960 , 1960, no. 204, illustrated in the catalogue (titled White Water Lilies (Nymphéas) )

Chiba, Kawamura Memorial DIC Museum of Art; Kurashiki, Kurashiki City Art Museum; Sapporo, Hokkaido Museum & Takaoka, Takaoka Art Museum, Les Nymphéas de Louis Cane: Regard sur Claude Monet , 1995, no. 31, illustrated in the catalogue

Tokyo, Daimaru Museum; Ibaraki, Kasama Nichido Museum of Art; Hyogo, Daimaru Museum Kobe & Nara, Sogo Museum of Art, Monet au bords de l'eau , 1997, no. 34, illustrated in colour in the catalogue


Daniel Wildenstein, Claude Monet. Biographie et catalogue raisonné , Lausanne & Paris, 1985, vol. IV, no. 1798, illustrated p. 257

Daniel Wildenstein, Monet. Catalogue Raisonné , Cologne, 1996, vol. IV, no. 1798, illustrated p. 849

Jean-Dominique Rey & Denis Rouart, Monet Water Lilies. The Complete Series , Paris, 2008, illustrated in colour pp. 40 & 134


Property from a Distinguished Private Collection, Japan

Claude Monet

1840 - 1926


stamped Claude Monet (lower left); stamped Claude Monet on the reverse and again on the stretcher

oil on canvas

132 by 84cm., 52 by 33⅛in.

Painted in 1914-17.