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Le berger sous les arbres (soleil couchant) by Jean Baptiste Camille Corot

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot

Le berger sous les arbres (soleil couchant), 1853

Oil on canvas
52.7 x 71.8 cm (20.75 x 28.27 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Christie's, New York (31 Oct 2018)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
Oct 31, 2018
Christie'sNew YorkEuropean Art: Part II106
$****** - ******
Le berger sous les arbres (soleil couchant)
Oct 31, 2017
Christie'sNew York19th Century European Art12
$****** - ******
Le berger sous les arbres (soleil couchant)
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Artwork Description



52.7 x 71.8 cm (20.75 x 28.27 in)


oil on canvas


signed 'COROT' (lower left)


John Waterloo Wilson (1815-1883), Haarlem and Brussels.

His sale; Hôtel Drouot, Paris, 14-16 March 1881, lot 137.

Auguste-Etienne-Louis Tabourier (1822-1898), Paris.

with Boussod, Valadon et Cie., 8 October 1887, acquired directly from the above.

Frederick Lothrop Ames (1835-1893), North Easton, Massachusetts, acquired from the above, 5 December 1887.

Rep. Louis Adams Frothingham (1871-1928), North Easton, Massachusetts, brother-in-law of the above.

with Wildenstein Arte S. A., Buenos Aires, acquired in New York, circa 1942.

Francisco Prati, acquired directly from the above, 12 July 1945.

By descent to the present owner.


Paris, Salon, 1853, no. 288, as Coucher de soleil.

Paris, Galeries Durand-Ruel, Exposition rétrospective de tableaux et dessins des maîtres modernes, 1878, no. 112, as Derniers rayons. Le berger.

New York, American Art Galleries, The works of Antoine-Louis Barye exhibited under the auspices of the Barye Monument Association; also of paintings by J. F. Millet, Th. Rousseau and others, his contemporaries and friends, for the benefit of the Barye Monument Fund, November 1889-1890, no. 603, as The Setting Sun.

Buenos Aires, Wildenstein Arte S. A., 7 December 1945.

Buenos Aires, Wildenstein Arte S. A., 31 July-23 August 1958, no. 11.


A. Robaut, L'Œuvre de Corot, catalogue raisonné et illustré, Paris, 1905, vol II, pp. 332-333, no. 1064, illustrated.


signed 'COROT' (lower left)

oil on canvas

20 ¾ x 28 ¼ in. (52.7 x 71.8 cm.)

Painted in 1853.