Top-100 artists:

Number 19 by Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock

Number 19, 1948

Oil and enamel on paper mounted on canvas
78.4 x 57.4 cm (30.87 x 22.6 in)
Unique artwork
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Christie's, New York (15 May 2013)

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Past Sales
ImageSale dateAuction houseLocationSale nameLot No.EstimatePrice SoldConditionTitle
May 15, 2013
Christie'sNew YorkPost-War & Contemporary Evening Sale18
$****** - ******
Number 19
May 4, 1993
Christie'sNew YorkContemporary Art - Part I10
$****** - ******
Number 19
Artwork Description



78.4 x 57.4 cm (30.87 x 22.6 in)


oil and enamel on paper mounted on canvas


signed and dated 'Jackson Pollock 48' (upper left)


Janet Chase Hauck, New York.

Anon. sale; Christie's, New York, 4 May 1993, lot 10.

Private collection, Paris.

Acquired from the above by the present owner.


New York, Betty Parsons Gallery, Jackson Pollock; Recent Paintings, January-February 1949. Caracas, Museo de Bellas Artes; Rio de Janero, Museo de Arte Moderna; Sao Paolo, Museo de Arte Moderna; Buenos Aires, Museo de Arte Moderno; Salon of the Municipal Government of Montevideo; Santiago, Reifschneider Gallery; Lima, Instituto de Arte Contemporaneo; Guayaquil, Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana; Quinto, Museo de Arte Colonial; Bogota, Museo Nacional; Panama, Instituto Panameno de Arte; Mexico City, Palacia de Bellas Artes, Abstract Drawings and Watercolors, organized by the Museum of Modern Art International Council, January 1962-May 1963, no. 52. New York, C&M Arts, Jackson Pollock: Drip Paintings on Paper, 1948-1949, October-December 1993, n.p. (illustrated in color).


C. Greenberg, "Art," The Nation, 19 February 1949, p. 12. F.V. O'Connor and E.V. Thaw, eds., Jackson Pollock: A Catalogue Raisonné of Paintings, Drawings and Other Works, vol. 2, New Haven, 1978, p. 9, no. 190 (illustrated).